Every border crossing will have clean washrooms, contain a beer store (get yer 2-4 and gain some Molson Muscle, even while waiting to cross the border) as well as shops selling, among other things: Poutine, Butter Tarts, maple syrup, Nanaimo Bars, chocolate bars, flannel plaid shirts, a Mickey or six, Toques, pop, hockey jerseys, KD, and Canadian Tuxedos, eh. Of course, there will be Tim Hortons (Timmies) stores set up every 10 klicks, 1 kilometer is approximately 0.6 miles, so that’ll double-double our protection, eh. The Great Wall Of Canada will be eco-friendly using only reclaimed Canuck mud (from facials and mud wrestling) and wood from: basement paneling, square TV units, barns/farm houses (who needs farming anymore, we can just eat from restaurants, er, right?), driftwood, also, celebrities like Robert Pattinson, Matthew McConaughey (alright, alright, alright), Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Kanye West, Justin Bieber and Drake have agreed to donate their extensive toothpick collections (and to only interact with women, not girls). They will temporarily stop building dams and looking so dam cute to build us border walls to stop an invasion of American immigrants trying to come to Canada.

Prime Minster Justin Trudeau (seen in the photo demonstrating what th e wall might look like) has commissioned esteemed Canadian Engineers, Scientists, and Zoologists to work with CUB (Canadian Union of Beavers) to put Canada’s National Symbol, the beaver to work. This International Boundary (Frontière Internationale), is almost 9,000 kilometres (over 5,500 miles) long, including the border with Alaska (we can almost see Russia from our porch), the longest international border in the world between two countries. You’re making me regret liking TV and movies… Canada has come up with a genius plan to build our own walls on the Canada–United States border (frontière Canada–États-Unis). Celebrities, don’t peddle expensive drugs on TV and the internet, instead, pay for drugs for those in need. Jewels, homes, cars, clothes – how can these mean more than lives? That’s the opposite of genius, even cruel. when the rich are buying multi-million dollar houses and apartments. government to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S., instead, why not talk about why so many people are living paycheck to paycheck? Talk about people not having enough for food, chemo drugs, etc. Everyone is talking about the #TrumpShutdown of the U.S. To me, something or someone is genius if they give of themselves.

Genius, defined many ways by many people. ~ Bill Watterson Social media can make people feel inadequate, but true genius is believing in yourself, not worrying about what others think, what others do, or what others have.